Noumea and Maritime Museum – Priscalina

Noumea and Maritime Museum

Whilst we were stuck in Port Moselle Marina trying to sort out our battery problem, we explored a little bit of Noumea in between.

A nice long walk along the coast took us past the war memorials at Baie Orphelinat, onto Baie de Citron which has all the restaurants and bars along the water and down to Anse Varna where the locals were playing boules.

At the marina escaping a bit of weather and doing boat maintenance was Jim and Ingrid on Glammapuss, so we decided to do the Maritime Museum together. Interesting and well worth visiting. Lots of info on the convict history, ship wrecks, and even the original light from Amedee lighthouse that had been built in France, dismantled to get to here and then reassembled back in 1862.

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