Back to Moselle and the Scott’s Arrival – Priscalina

Back to Moselle and the Scott’s Arrival

After several relaxing days/nights at Bay de Majic catching up with the world via ‘good data’ we headed off to Ilot Ua, a lovely little spot within the southern lagoon that we had heard so much about from other rally participants that had ventured there before.  The kayaks returned to the water from a cruise over the fringing reefs and the colours and fish life was just like we had been promised.  The water was so clear that we could see the anchor and chain which came in handy as we saw that we had tied an impressive anchor chain knot around a bommie which thanks to the clarity of the water was a simple task of motoring Priscalina around it to release the chain. Several peaceful nights were had at the island of Ua. With a marina stop planned we headed to Uere island to await the call that a berth was free.  Finally, the marina called with a berth, timely as we were eating through the last of the supplies and the two-minute noodles had started to appear. Port Moselle Marina is great, not only for its closeness to the city and its shops and markets but also the staff, Carol and Catherine, are really friendly and it’s always good to catch up with or meet new yachties.  You can always pick up an idea or two wandering around the marina. We were also awaiting the arrival of Miriam and Scotty, our friends from Brisbane who were sailing with us for a week and then crewing for us on the passage home.  We enjoyed catching up with them at Baie de Citron (Lemon Bay) for some drinks and dinner.  We did a restock, and then we headed out to stop at Bay Uere and to leave them enjoy the Noumea experience for a few days before arranging to pick them up from Ilot Maître.


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